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Monday, January 26, 2009

EVERY family should have one!!!

This weekend I went to a Successful Mothering Convention here in Utah. (Only in Utah would you have a convention like that, I suppose... hehehe) It was WONDERFUL!!! I went all by myself, since I didn't really know anyone else interested in going. Some workshops were better than others, but one workshop made it SOOOO worth while! It was called "How to Raise Self-Governed children". The speaker taught some really great points on how to do this, and then, of course, she pushed her product. I thought she was going to lose me right there... (for those of you who don't know, I've become very "frugal" recently, if I don't need it and it is not for sale and I have a coupon, I don't buy it!) I was pleasantly surprised, this WAS a great product! It's called Children's Miracle Music. It's a game you play to music to get ready in the morning and to bed in the evening. No nagging, no crying, no fuss, just fun! We've been doing it for only three days, and Russ and I are amazed! Anna cleaned the toilet yesterday. Yes, you read it right, ANNA CLEANED THE TOILET YESTERDAY, and then she asked if we could do it again! No joke! If I could afford to I would buy one for every dear friend of mine. It is the best parenting tool I've come across ever! I could go on and on about this, but I'll just give you their website, it's www.childrensmiraclemusic.com Go there, see for yourself, call me if you have questions, and then GET ONE!

1 comment:

Kimball and Ashley said...

What the? I totally would have gone with you! I'm offended.