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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I know this isn't my craft blog, but...

I'm just too excited and had to share my latest project!  I just finished it 30 minutes ago, took pictures and I'm just in love. :) I will be posting them on Craft Envy on Friday, so I already have labels on the pictures, but it's still my project, and my kitchen, and I'm so giddy!

Just the pop of color my kitchen needed!  It's been almost 3 weeks that I've been working on these, and I'm so happy to be done and admire them... I love crochet.  Go visit my craft blog sometime if you haven't yet!


Nicholette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicholette said...

The last comment that was deleted was me logged into craft envy...my bad. I love this project, I can't wait until you post it on Craft Envy!

East Coast Jenny said...

I love this! Good job.